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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submitted papers must be unpublished and must not be simultaneously submitted to other journals for consideration. Any conflict of a legal, moral, ethical nature, etc., that may arise from the analysis of this aspect will be the full responsibility of the authors.
  • They must be results of high-level original research.
  • Before being sent to evaluators, the work will be submitted to anti-plagiarism software; If something is found in this direction, the article will be immediately rejected.
  • It will be the responsibility of the authors that both in the research process and in submitting their work to DISCIPLINES, the universally accepted legal and ethical codes and norms for work with human beings, animals, cells and plants have been respected, as well as the environment.
  • DISCIPLINES reserves the right to take the measures it deems appropriate when it detects inappropriate conduct in the behavior of authors and referees.
  • DISCIPLINES considers the Statement of International Ethical Standards for Authors and Publishers adopted at the Second World Conference on Research Integrity held in Singapore in 2010 by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). By submitting the article, the author is expressing her consent and agreement with the ethical guidelines indicated in the conference documents.
  • The author of the correspondence is responsible for ensuring that all authors have contributed significantly to the work and have given their approval to the contents and forms of the article, and must provide the emails and ORCID accounts of all participants.
  • The Author(s) cede the content rights of the article for its publication and dissemination according to the policies, norms and agreements of the journal.

Author Guidelines

Authors must register with the journal before publishing or, if already registered, they can simply log in and begin the five-step process.

The beginning of the manuscript must be mentioned if it is an Original article or a Review.

DISCIPLINES publishes articles only in the English language.

For this, DISCIPLINES only charges the English language review, which has a single cost of $4,500 MX for English-English and $6,000 MX for Spanish-English. To the clabe number: 072680006640263332 of Banorte, in the name of the Single Union of Academic Staff of the Autonomous University of Querétaro.

A letter should be sent to the editor-in-chief mentioning the importance of the manuscript for its publication.

It should not exceed 6 authors.

You must upload together a graphical abstract in JPG or PNG format. This as a proposal for a representative graphic element to include it in a positioning and dissemination strategy for published work.

The cover must contain the Title, which must be clear and brief (150 characters with spaces), Authors, Affiliation, Summary which must have the following sections without the respective titles in (250 words): Brief Introduction, Objective, Methodology, Most relevant results and Conclusion. At the end, Key Words (from 6 to 8).

The 12-point arial font, 1.5 spacing, 2.5 cm margins and lines with continuous numbering, as well as numbering the pages, must be addressed.

Original articles must have a maximum length of 15 pages and review articles must have a maximum length of 30 pages; of which must contain the text, tables, figures, graphs in the corresponding place, as well as the references.

It must be attended to add the Contribution of the Authors (of each one of them). Prior to References.

Bibliographic references should not exceed 35 in Original research and 50 in Reviews.

Summarized, within the writing in an electronic file in Word, the following order must be taken: Cover with Title, Authors, Affiliation, Abstract and Keywords. Subsequent must include Introduction (in the end include the objective of the study), Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (it must only include the funding granted for said publication), Contribution of the Authors (of each one of them) and Bibliographic References.


Other Considerations

It should be considered that the articles submitted must be unpublished and not simultaneously under review or published elsewhere. Any conflict of a legal nature that may arise from the analysis of this aspect will be the full responsibility of the authors.

The authors must show evidence that their project was evaluated and approved by the corresponding ethics or bioethics committee.

The authors assign the content rights of the article for its publication and dissemination according to the policies, norms and agreements of the journal.

Before being sent to peer referees, the work will be submitted to anti-plagiarism software; If something is found in this guideline, the article will be immediately rejected.

Journal is divided into four sections that are broken down below:

  1. Natural and Health Sciences
  2. Exact Sciences and Engineering
  3. Human and Social Sciences
  4. Multidisciplinary Sciences

Natural and Health Sciences

Política de sección por defecto

Exact Sciences and Engineering

Política de sección por defecto

Human and Social Sciences

Política de sección por defecto

Multidisciplinary Sciences

Política de sección por defecto

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.