Experience of flexibility and educational interaction in a technological high school in the context of emergency remote teaching. Learned lessons





educational flexibility, educational processes schematization, emergency remote teaching, High school community, educative technology


The objective of this document is to visualize the experience of educational flexibility lived during a period of emergency remote teaching through the graphic representation of the relationships between the actors and the teaching-learning processes, the determination of criteria and academic-administrative categories of the structure in the institution of El Grullo Technological High School that allows the implementation of a procedure of a multimodal system itself which facilitates the adaptation of learning processes mediated by technology with educational quality by identifying the interactions in pedagogical mediations that favor learning and give way to the choice of appropriate technological mediations that develop educational innovation as a significant change in their interaction internally and with the environment, understanding education as a relational process. These relationships are presented as a result of the collection of information and data obtained through interviews, sample survey and analysis of documents of the institution, interaction that is shown in the schematization, and visual representation of the educational processes of the case study in the community education of the El Grullo High School as learned lessons.






Multidisciplinary Sciences
